Situated on 67 acres of virgin land is the future landing site of 33 spaceships representing the Interplanetary Confederation. Here on this pristine, elevated plateau will be the home of Star Center One, the campus of the Unarius Academy of Science.
The motif of the Interplanetary Conclave of Light is
the reality of extraterrestrial life, and the future of humankind within an
interplanetary confederation. Man is not alone in the Universe. The
landing of a spaceship from another planet will not be the last! It is a
preparatory development to bring to the earth people, the natural evidence of
life on other planets, and of other civilizations.
The preparation for the landing of starships on Earth is
the first stage in t he alignment of 33 planets, of which planet Earth is
to be the thirty-third and final linking member, forming an Interplanetary
Confederation for the Spiritual Renaissance of Humankind on Earth! [And hence that Holy Number 33ø appeareth Ubiquitously in all of
our Great Works -B:.B:.]
The Pleiadeans are Space Brothers who are working for the benefit of
humankind by preparing to leave their home and remain on Earth during the
development of a new age of logic and reason that will initiate a
spiritual renaissance. As elder brothers, the Pleiadeans will help rekindle the
flame of spirit through the introduction of advanced electronic devices to
correct disease of the mind and the body. [Indeed, our Lodge
has been experimenting with these Holy Pleiadean Gadgets for decades now
and we have come to the inescapable conclusion that they are Simply
Marvelous -B:.B:.]
In addition
they will provide us with information that will raise the consciousness of
humankind and our connection to other planets forming the Interplanetary
Confederation. A Pleiadean starship will land on a rising portion of
Atlantis in the area of the Bermuda Triangle in the Caribbean Sea in the
year 2001!
Such history reflects the war between darkness and light, between materialism
and spirit posed against the backdrop of regressive and progressive evolution.
Planets that were positively biased taught the principles that led to the
development of the higher consciousness. Alternatively, the materially biased
worlds emphasized the physical brain/body system.
No planet can live separated by itself! The purpose of life is to
evolve all of its organisms. Therefore it is the responsibility and prerogative
of each person to know of his cosmic structure.
The Interplanetary Confederation is a larger wheel, a vortex of great
power made up of 33 worlds and the billions of people who are attuned to a
higher frequency. Such a joined consciousness extending the principle of
love in action would mean the end of all war, poverty, and disease. Technology
will then be an arm to the development of the higher consciousness. All
institutions that form the culture of society will reflect a new spiritual force
in the realization that we are all brothers and sisters of the infinite under
the guidance of advanced spiritual beings.
In this workshop you will learn about a science of life that forms the basis
of an advanced educational system which is preparation for the development of
Cosmic Consciousness. Most importantly, all participants will have the
opportunity to speak openly and freely of various barriers that have kept them
prisoners of their past. You can expect a rich and fulfilling experience in the
"userfriendly" atmosphere of this important workshop.
The Magnum Opus of
As it existed on the Atlantean Plain some 15,000 B.C., it
was constructed of metals, not stone. The geometrical configuration of the
pyramids was purposefully placed in relationship to north and south magnetic
poles and with the four sides representing maximum surface interception. On the
metallic surface of this pyramid were placed millions of small cells whose
purpose was to absorb cosmic energies and convert them into electrical energy
which could turn certain kinds of electrical motors coupled to huge generators.
Our present-day modern cameras utilize a small cell of selenium which absorbs
light and transmits it into electrical energy which opens and loses the
diaphragm aperture of the camera, a parallel to the cells of the pyramid which
covered its entire four surfaces, and as the pyramid was possibly a thousand
feet high covering ninety-six acres of ground, the total number of cells
involved when hooked together could generate tremendous power. (The great
pyramid Khufu, or Cheops, at Gizeh was 482 feet high covering 13 acres.)
The story of Amon Ra who came to
Atlantis about 15,000 B.C., arrived there in a spaceship, together with a number
of scientists and technicians who proceeded to construct a pyramid on the
Atlantean plain; a pyramid which was exactly similar to that constructed on the
plains of Ancient Lemuria some 140,000 years before that time. The story of the
construction of this pyramid was later, through succeeding generations of earth
people and handed down as they were, degenerated into legends not entirely
accurate and with considerable elements of mysticism.
The typical `Tower of Babel' story in the Old Testament
was derived from this legend, i.e., the ancient tribespeople believed the
Lemurians were building a tower to heaven, etc.
Then it was Amon Ra and his technicians had constructed the Atlantean
pyramid, the interior of which was devoted to different sections, rooms, etc.,
all integrated in the development and distribution of this enormous power which
was generated in these generators in the subterranean vault beneath the floor.
In the center of the pyramid and on the floor stood the switchboard -- not like
the switchboards in power-houses today but rather, it was a metal box about 20
feet square which contained a robot or computer which, in its function in the
conversion and distribution of this energy and the enormous power involved,
generated an electromagnetic field around it of such intensity that the metal
appeared to glow much like an overheated stove turns red. This glow gave the
appearance that the box was actually pure crystalline energy. This box also
performed another important function. From the top of the box was a round
metallic sphere about 10 feet in diameter and from this ball, which was actually
a positive pole, a flamelike protuberance of energy stood straight up toward the
apex of the pyramid where, from a long rod, there hung another similar sphere of
metal. The purpose for which this `flame' of energy existed was one of extreme
technical importance, inasmuch as the net total oscillations of energy generated
in the cells on the outside surface of the pyramid were, in this process with
the `flame', converted into usable high-frequency energies which were beamed
into the nearby homes and other buildings of the Atlantean cities of Atlantis,
eliminating the need for wires, transformers, poles, etc., with which we are
familiar in our present-day towns and cities. Our modern radar ranges use this
method of shortwave energy radiations to cook food.
Now it is easily understandable that in these ancient times, either Lemuria
or Atlantis, when the ignorant, superstitious aboriginal natives of this planet
saw or heard about this wonderful scientific technocracy, they could not
understand it and it became a great mystery to them. The square box in the
middle of the floor became a pure cube of energy; the flame, which stemmed from
the top upward toward the overhanging metallic ball appeared motionless but was
actually pulsating or oscillating thousands or billions of times per second, at
speeds too incomprehensible to see or even understand by our present-day
In the early part of this century, Nikola Tesla developed his
famous Tesla Coil, the top of which, from a round spherical ball, great
lightning-like streamers of energy many feet long extended to nearby objects.
Was Tesla, through a psychic memory, attempting to reproduce the great
technical wonder which he saw in the great Atlantean temple? And many thousands
of years before, when the Ancient Egyptians built the pyramid of Gizeh, they
covered the outside surface with a monolithic alabaster-like material of an
unknown composition in an attempt to duplicate the white metallic surface of the
Atlantean pyramid. Yet, the Egyptians, descendants of the aborigines who had
survived the cataclysms, only vaguely, psychically remembered; supported, no
doubt from legends of the old Atlantean temple which they tried to duplicate,
Yet, with none of the science or technocracy and knowing little or nothing of
electronics, they could only build their pyramid from stone blocks and cover it
with a white alabaster.
Perhaps the science brought to Lemuria and Atlantis by the Lemurians will, in
the near future, be duplicated on this earth. Already different countries
through out the world are building great power plants, deriving great power from
the atom. Yet, this is very crude when compared to the science of the Atlantean
pyramid which converted from the electromagnetic fields of the solar system and
the interdimensional cosmos, a vast Source of Power which could be projected by
ray-beams and reflected from tower to tower (like our present-day microwave
system), tremendous energy which powered and lighted cities all over the world.
The future holds the promise that all of this and much more will return to
the earth. The people of tomorrow will have undreamed of luxuries and
conveniences, a way of life which will exceed even the most fantastic science
fiction stories; yet will our present day mankind be able to survive? Indeed
not. The homogeneous mixture of races presents a far too low state of mentality,
a heterogeneous society torn and twisted with strictures and rent by irreparable
schisms. And it is quite safe to predict in that future, should it ever arrive,
the breed of man who will occupy it will be vastly different than those
presently now living -- a comparison to the golden-skinned Atlanteans in their
beautiful highly-scientific society which, through its egregious philosophy,
permitted the dark-skinned ones to overpower and destroy the world. And is it
not apparent that in this time history is beginning to repeat itself? [No comment -B:.B:.]
Historically speaking, anthropology has always very severely abrogated the
way of life in the ancient civilizations which it has uncovered. There have been
no apparent evidences of any other kind of a society or ecology which would
suggest a certain scientific aspect of life lived by the Ancients. In some
instances, however, this could be far from the truth. Scientific or electronic
apparatus, as it might have been used in any ancient civilization would be most
necessarily, comparatively fragile, the apparatus small in size and portable,
and could have long ago disappeared, at least partly into pots, pans, jewelry or
temple bells and such things. For example: One archaeological report cites the
uncovering of electrolytic batteries in an ancient pre-Babylonian city more than
4,000 B.C. Artisans at that time were electroplating jewelry with gold, just as
it is done at the present time. The batteries actually generated electricity
when the electrolyte was refreshed.
Also about 4,000 B.C., according to archeology, the ancient Minoan
civilization thrived somewhere in the Mediterranean just off the Grecian
peninsula. The Minoans are said to have been highly cultured; they wrought
beautiful ceramics, pottery, jewelry and other artifacts, delicately engraved
and colored; the interiors of their homes, the floors and walls of which
exhibited beautiful murals. Descriptions of their houses said they were
airconditioned but from totally opened doors and windows, apparently without any
means of covering or closing. Now this is quite preposterous; even a primitive
savage living in a grass thatched hut can cover the door with a wild animal
skin. The climate in the Mediterranean areas can become quite cold in winter;
snow falls in Italy and Greece, and summers are unbearably hot. Although the
Minoan houses were apparently all constructed of carved stone blocks and beamed
ceilings, ways and means would certainly have been used to close door and window
openings. Doors and door frames, and window glass and window frames could have
long ago vanished in the hands of vandals or to people who wished to use wood
for their own purposes. Glass, stained or otherwise, would also have been
useful. Interiors of the houses could have been heated with large metal urns or
braziers which burn palm or whale oil. And there is a possibility that this
Minoan civilization or even more ancient civilizations could have enjoyed
electrical and mechanical technocracy far in advance of our present time.
From the great central pyramid in Atlantis, power beams would be relayed from
reflectors on mountaintops into the different homes where these power beams
would be converted into light, heat or even to cool the house. The proposition
here is relatively simple. A round glass globe or sphere about a foot in
diameter and filled with certain rare gases would fluoresce and give off a soft
white light, just as does our modern fluorescent light. Heating or cooling is
also simple: Air is made up of molecules of gases, each molecule composed of a
number of atoms. Electrical energy of a certain frequency when radiated through
air is converted into heat through hysteresis (see note at end) in the
electromagnetic fields of the atoms.
The same proposition in reverse makes the air become cold, remembering of
course, that all atmosphere on the earth is always converting this certain
electromagnetic energy into heat. Speaking from the point of absolute zero --
-495 degrees Fahrenheit -- all air on the surface of the earth is comparatively
warm, even at the poles. Cooling or heating the air at any given point means
merely to decrease or increase the electromagnetic hysteresis.
In a Minoan house, for example, a small object a foot or so square sitting on
the floor of any room could be both the heater and the cooler. It would,
according to the dictates of a thermostat, radiate certain energies into the
room which would either slow down hysteresis and make the air cooler or speed up
hysteresis and make the air warmer; a far different process than our present-day
crude, clumsy, inefficient and enormous heating and cooling systems which must
always either heat air in a furnace or cool it by means of refrigeration and,
with a fan, blow it into the room through a large duct.
Again, any of these small airconditioning units would have most certainly
disappeared many thousands of years ago. Superstitious people may have destroyed
them thinking they were evil or converted them into jewelry or weapons or
destroyed them in other ways. Only the stone skeletons of the houses remain
which bear only a small fragment of testimony as to a great and wonderful way of
life lived in one of these ancient cities of the Atlantean epoch.
(Amon Ra: The literal translation of Amon Ra means sun-god. The superstitious
natives, when they saw the glowing white spaceship, thought that the sun-god had
come to earth, hence the name Amon Ra.)
The technical description of the generator-oscillator banks and the
generation of the `flame', while very complex, can be more easily understood
with this simplified explanation: In the subterranean chamber beneath the floor
stood the motor-generator combination mounted on a vertical shaft. This piece of
machinery worked exactly similar to our present day Pabst synchronous-hysteresis
motor, that is, exactly in reverse to ordinary motors which have a rotor
rotating inside fixed stationary field coils. In the Pabst motor, the rotor is
stationary and the metal field terminals rotate around it, similar to a squirrel
cage. The Atlantean motor-generator combination works as follows: a huge
externally-powered, (A.C.) alternating current motor rotated the squirrel cage
which was actually a large number of extremely powerful high-gauss,
high-intensity magnets affixed to the metal frame which rotated around what
would normally be the rotor which was made from a high-permeability, soft iron
core. Wound around a large number of these poles were almost countless thousands
of turns of insulated wire.
These coils were, in turn, connected up to different banks of cells on the
outside skin surface of the pyramid. The sequence of this wiring was such, that
when the magnets turned around the rotor, the cells and the magnetic currents so
generated were in extremely rapid sequence which built up an extremely
high-frequency oscillating voltage which discharged across the two balls which I
described previously. The purpose of this gap was to stabilize these
oscillations under resistive conditions in open air.
As every electrophysicist knows certain fundamental law of electronics --
increasing the frequency increases the voltage or power -- that is why a laser
beam can pierce a diamond with less energy than would light a small flashlight.
The energy from a five-foot long lightning bolt from a Tesla coil (500,000
Cycles per second) is less than two millionths of an ampere and would cause only
a mild tingling sensation. A lightning bolt traveling from a cloud to the earth
contains only enough energy to light a hundred-watt bulb for about thirty
Electronic scientists of today however, are still a bit mixed up on the
proposition of voltage versus frequency. They string 1/2 inch thick laminated
cable across the countryside for hundreds of miles from tall steel towers and
push electricity through these cables in far-away cities at voltages in excess
of 300,000 and at only 60 cycles per second alternating frequency, whereas a
small pencil-thin power beam oscillating at hundreds of millions of times per
second could be reflected from tower to tower across country; one beam carrying
sufficient power to energize the largest city.
In 1899, out in Colorado, Tesla sent electrical beams through the earth and
lighted up light bulbs five miles away.
Flying saucers or spaceships are energized and fly by exactly the same
principle as used in the Atlantean oscillator-generator or the Pabst
hysteresis-synchronous motor. Perhaps when certain pseudo elements of our
scientific society stop denying the ever-apparent infinite cosmos and the
countless billions of different types of civilizations living on countless
billions of planets, they will begin to at least admit the possibility that
space travel across the galaxy or the universe is not only feasible but has been
going on for millions of years.
Enigmatically, many of these moss-backed, hard-nosed pseudo-scientists have,
in some way, been advocating or participating in our present-day space effort.
We have already accomplished the moon and Mars is the next tentative target in
the 1990's.
Part Two
In our preceding chapter we discovered the Egyptian
pyramids, Khufu or Cheops, etc., as well as pyramids in other parts of the world
-- Yucatan peninsula, Inca, Peru, etc. -- were, in their odd shapes and
seemingly meaningless geometry, actually a decadent remnant of several huge
pyramids which existed in Atlantis and even in the more ancient Lemuria which
were, in reality, highly developed electronic generators designed and built
by Master Scientists from another world. Our description of this
pyramid as it existed in Atlantis is far from complete, however, so let us
continue to explore this most amazing achievement.
Briefly, a huge rotating squirrel-cage generator turned by a motor was linked
up to an electronic computer which was housed in a twenty-foot square metal box
on the floor just above the generator. This computer automatically made and
broke connections -- with banks of power collector cells on the outside pyramid
surface in such a sequential manner that a tremendous oscillating voltage was
built up. On the ten-foot ball which stood atop the metal box, this oscillating
electricity discharged more than six hundred feet straight up to a similar metal
ball hanging down from the pyramid apex on a long metal rod.
In our 1900's, a scientist named Steinmetz hurled thunderbolts from two large
metal spheres one hundred feet apart in a manner which is somehow strangely
similar to the process used in the Atlantean Pyramid 16,000 years ago. This
discharge across the two metal balls served as a tank-circuit, as it is called,
and again a similarity to our modern early-day wireless, a motor turning a
rimless rotary wheel from which protruded a number of spokes, actually
electrodes. As the wheel rotated about 2,000 rpm (rotations per minute), a
sizzling white spark jumped from the spokes to another electrode placed about
one-half inch away from the spokes. It was this spark-gap which created the
necessary high-intensity voltage.
Now, on top of the Atlantean pyramid was a fifty-foot metal column, something
like a thick flagpole, which terminated in a circular bank of what looked like
the spokes on a wheel. About ten feet long and sixteen inches in diameter, these
spokes protruded at a number of irregular intervals, each one carefully sighted
like a rifle, to a near or distant receiver. These spokes were actually composed
of an exotic mixture of metals and formed into a homogeneous, crystalline
aggregate under extreme pressure and magnetic hysteresis. Each rod or spoke then
contained billions of tiny crystals; each one pointed, so to speak, toward the
outside flat end of the rod. They absorbed energy and like a boy who'd eaten too
much watermelon, they reached certain capacity and discharged their energy
toward the outside end of the rod. [No comment
The net total of these charge and discharge oscillations were on the order of
millions of megacycles per second and as they functioned from the end of the
rod, a beam of pure coherent energy emerged -- and at the rate of more than
186,000 miles per second straight to a receiver, a beam of enormous power. How
similar to our present first versions of the laser: A six-inch synthetic ruby
rod, one inch in diameter and containing many chromium molecules; these chromium
molecules were charged with electricity from an outside source of condenser
banks and other associated equipment which generated a high-frequency impulse.
As the chromium molecule atoms reached their saturation point, they discharged
their energies which began to oscillate ping-pong fashion from each end of the
optically-ground and slivered ends of the rod. When this oscillating energy
reached a certain point, it discharged through the more lightly silvered end in
a single straight coherent beam of great intensity and power.
Again, could these present-day scientists have been duplicating, from a
psychic memory, that which they saw and helped destroy in Ancient Atlantis? The
power beams which emerged from the Atlantis pyramid were intercepted by similar
metallic rods of crystallized metal which, because they oscillated in a similar
manner and frequency, presented no resistance to the enormous power of the beam.
The beam then traveled straight through the rod or was broken up and separated
into separate beams by a crystal prism, which again sent beams pulsating through
crystalline rods and on a new tangent to another receiver.
In utilizing these power beams in a dwelling, a metal ball fitted on top of a
metal rod, like a small flagpole, contained a crystal of certain prismatic
configurations which directed the beam down through the hollow center of the rod
to a disburser instrument which energized the entire house by means of induction
so that the round milky-white crystal globes would glow with light, motors turn,
In the land of Egypt and all other lands where there were pyramids, the
Egyptians tried to duplicate the round spoke-like wheel which glowed with a
blue-white corona and which shot beams of intense
light in different directions. The Egyptians topped their stone pyramid with a
large ball-like contrivance covered with small plates of pure polished gold in a
scale-like manner; and as the earth turned, shafts of light were reflected in
all directions.
Several thousands of years later, these metal balls with scales of gold had
disappeared, so had the alabaster white coating except for small sections near
the top, in order to use the smaller surface stones in nearby cities for
building purposes.
In the nineteenth century, Napoleon's cannon shot off the nose of the Sphinx,
his artillerymen using the great monolith for target practice.
Atlantis was blown into oblivion by the very power that it generated, wrongly
used in the hands of ignorant black people who sought to rule the world. Again
in our present day, could the racial strife in America and other countries be a
psychic remanifestation of the destruction of the world more than 12,000 years
ago? [No comment -B:.B:.]
Yes, history repeats itself; the modern Egyptians wore in their temples and
palaces a metallic headdress and woven metal scares interwoven with threads of
gold which hung down over their shoulders just as they did in the Ancient
Atlantis when, after the scientists had gone, the Atlanteans started to worship
the flame in the temple pyramid. The metallic headdress plus a metallic robe was
necessary to protect them from the strong electromagnetic field in the pyramid
and somehow the metallic headdress has arrived in our present modern time in the
form of a scarf worn by women in a Catholic church, or the uraeus worn by the
priest. Such is the way of the primitive earthman.
While he can construct a continuous gas laser beam, shoot it through a
telescope to the moon where it is reflected by a reflector planted by Apollo 11
astronauts, and received on earth where, in its pulse, this beam accurately
measures the distance to less than a mile, yet this same man constantly
abrogates and vilifies the creation all about him by reading superstitious
legends from his so-called `Holy Bible', as he rides his spacecraft through
space! Or that he constantly degenerates and vilifies his earth life, pollutes
his environment and the creative principles of life which have created his
planetary home and brought him up from his primitive past, despite his
ever-destructive, degenerate proclivities!
Who Are The Pleiadeans?
galaxies are the spawning ground for the development of intelligence, an
evolutionary mandate in the recognition that homo sapiens are the product of an
Infinite Creative Intelligence. The Pleiadeans are individuals living on seven
planets called the Pleiadean cluster of planets within the constellation of
Taurus. Our history gives mention to the Pleiadeans as a positive force who are
cosmic visionaries with an understanding of their spiritual identity.
The Interplanetary Confederation: A Cosmic Brotherhood
The history of our planet describes the rise
and fall of civilizations, particularly a 150,000 year span on Earth. Yet, the
prehistory of man goes back a million years lived on countless planets in
constellations throughout our galaxy.
How to Prepare for the Arrival of the Space Brothers
The arrival of the Space Brothers on
planet Earth will signal the beginning of an age of logic and reason. As a
result of these positive changes, all institutions and the very infrastructure
that is the bedrock of our society-science, government, religion, education,
will be affected. The recognition of extraterrestrial civilizations describing
the reality of intergalactic life will be a major shift in the psychodynamics of
all people.
The Cosmic Connection
Alta, the Ambassador of the
Interplanetary Confederation, will provide information via direct
mental hookup on the role planet Earth will take as the 33rd
connecting member in what will be a giant step forward for humankind. As the
senior scientist for the Pleiadean planet Vixall, he will speak about Earth's
Atlantean connection with the Pleiadeans, as discussed in many previous
transmissions given.
Dr. Ernest L. Norman
October 7, 1969 -- During the last hundred years or
so, peoples of the western hemisphere have been tremendously interested and
intrigued by the lore of Ancient Egypt, as it was unearthed and apparently
translated by the efforts of archaeologists. By far, however, the most important
aspects in this Egyptology have not been recognized and, in particular, the
significance of certain connections which this Egyptology had, in a historical
sense, with the much older and long-ago defunct civilization of Atlantis. In
particular, the Egyptian pyramids, a subject of great mystery and intense
controversy, even to the exploration of the giant pyramid of Gizeh
(Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops at Gizeh) with cosmic ray apparatus in an attempt to
divulge certain supposed unknown inner chambers. Like almost all other earth
world ethnic cultures, religions, occultisms and even superstitions, the
Egyptian pyramid is actually a vestigial remnant, a degenerate form done in
stone, of what was once actually a great electronic instrument, designed and
constructed by master scientists from another world and placed on an Atlantean
plain for the purposes of generating unlimited power derived from the
interdimensional cosmos.
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TEL: 619-444-7062 | Contact: Daniel Smith | Canada, LAC 7T7 | Library Av., P.M.B. 7218 |
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